looking out for the cute kid at my arm's length,
looking out for that little birdie who hop along the road,
looking out for that wind that blows the tree whose branches sway towards the direction,
looking out for that bug that might hang on to its dear life on a leaf,
looking out for whatever that nature brings me,
looking out... ... for that little something more to warm my heart once more.

one more day and SNTC is out!!!
relief at last
i've been slacking for a couple of days now, but it seems like the long awaited holiday is simply not as relaxing as i've hoped.
I yearn for more drive in me to start something, to make me understand what i want to love and do in life. there seems that there's so much that's been going on in my head, i try to see beyond the surface of things but it doesn't reply back in a positive tone.
anyhow, my house is in renovation now, much of the memories gonna change in a week or 2, then, i'll have new ones.
of late there are plenty of movies out there that i've caught and the big one is yet to be caught as it's yet to come out. SEX AND THE CITY.
gosh, i remember how i use to catch every single episode, now it's coming to the big screen, i can't wait. =)
anyway, there's
1) Made of Honour (it's so, awesomely sweet!)
2) Indiana Jones (what an adventurer!)
3) What happened in Vegas (what can i say? i adore chick flick)
4) Iron Man (oh man, if only it truly exists!)
so yup, there's a fair share of action and romance movies as u can see, it's all good for the man kind ;)
what should i name this title?
times like this, it seems over but it's not.
i want it to come faster, but at the same time, not, when i can make use of the time to concentrate more. such a situation makes me feel lousy.

why is it always that we have to work so hard, in order for the temporary reward to come? i've noticed this since forever, it's so crap to want something but we ought to overcome a barrier first. urg.
i've realised, one is never happy or sad for long, now i'm juz moving forth to my "okay" moments from the shenanigans.
ahhhhhhh! i can do this, one more day and i'm free as a bird.
*mutters* i'm better than this, i'm better than this, i'm better than this........
i'm better than this.
i treasure
i have a lot to be thankful for to the big guy up there, or, wait, I'm a Buddhist, so yeah, i thank all the deities to have given me all of the following:
1. my friends who've i've met in SIM and all my friends who are currently in my life
2. my family who has been patient, forgiving and has a never giving up on me attitude
3. brook, who is whom i want to be with for the rest of my life
yes, sometimes when things get fuzzy, it's not clear that we should stop a while and look at where we are, to think of the good and cherish all that we have. I'm doing exactly that. I want to think though how lucky i am to have come to this day, to reach whichever maturity level that i'm currently in, (yeah sounds weird but well, i know i can be more mature than now) cos i believe, every single thing, that happen to us, even down to the tiny detail means something. it's like a multiplier effect, something happen to me, something else different happen to someone else, you know, that kinda thing.
so yes, i strongly believe, that every single thing, good or bad, has shaped me into who i am today. i want to be more of a focused person, have a goal in mind and work through it cos then, i will be satisfied, then i can say "mission.... accomplished", with a smile of cos. =)
it's been a hell of a week or 2 for me, i don't seem to take stress very well, been sleeping at around 5-6am, latest, 8-9am cos of studying, and waking up at 11-12pm, to start again. though, if i had been a great student from the start, i might have had graduated long time ago, but then, i would never have met the people i've known today.
it might sound wrong but i'm grateful i was playful last time. now don't judge me yet, i do get upset with myself for letting my parents down, but i would never have been able to engage more so, be more open for discussions and not having an air of, "oh i'm older than you so i'm smarter in every way" kinda attitude. i've realised the difference lie in the attitude where some people think that being older means "you give me respect, so do as i say, and i'm always right".
no, i dislike that kinda mentality and i'm glad, i went to RP and not any other polys cos that's when all the interaction came in, all the building of confident, the understanding of my strength, the focus i gained. now it's a whole new ball game and i'm taking up the challenge, no, it's not easy, then again, if it's too easy everyone will be able to do it to eh?
so yes, i thank you, to whoever oversee through the nurturing process of me and stood by me, and giving me advises, and last but not least, thank you baby, for going through exam stress with me all over again even though yours was long over, i understand teaching me is, prolly the toughest job u can ever undertake, and prolly is the meanest thing u can do for me, but thank you darling for staying up till 4-5am just repeating your sentences, and having ur blood boil cos i'm simply dumb in math and stats and having nightmare that i said i didn't know how to do a single exam question after my paper, i promise
there's more teaching to come. (i know, i know, there's a possibility you might strangle me this time, not simply shafting up your fingers into my nostrils)

the undying love
it was my last day and baby asked where i would like to head before going back home, with not much time left in hand, we decided to chill at "after you"
it'll be abt a year later that i might go back bkk cos sweetheart will be having his student exchange program this year for 4 months. Barcelona, -_-, to think i never thought that i have to worry much about my guy going to NS, looks like it's even worst than NS. anyway, yeah, jus like after BMT, friends and family are allowed to visit, so yup, haha not that the sch don't allow but i'll be heading there to meet him and travel for a bit. =)
that's like a few months ahead, long time before he goes, but it seems like it's gonna fly by pretty fast, cos time with him is never slow.
gosh, i can foresee myself crying my heart out, it seems like it's always like this when we part, i mean on my part, he never cry though. i seriously think it's socially unjust to men not to be seen crying cos, i mean, guys have feelings too! =(
anyway, ahhh, i seem to be goin on and on about this, but yea, let me just let the pics do the talking.
so long "after you",

, till we meet again
my loves
delicacies have their way around your moods, "after you" is my heaven, serving the best dessert ever. nothing seems more appropriate then to chill after a meal, or even after a workout of shopping. i could never miss going back there everytime i'm in bkk now, it's like second nature,
question:"where do you want to go now?"
answer: "after you"
question:"what do you want to eat?"
answer:"after you's"
it's much more "sleek" in J's avenue than any other parts of thailand, it's suppose to be like, singapore's dempsey? with a theme all on it's own. the great restaurants are there, no shopping centres, just little shops scattered around, but, ah, ok fine, i suppose it's simply cos "after you" is situated there.

baby trying hard to look over at the display glass? haha, yes sweet, all looks darn good. i'll try my best to bake alright. =)

the oh-so-heavenly stuffs
let's DIG IT!

after the scrumptious bites, we had a stroll around the district.
the flower shop is gorgeous isn't it? it's this kinda cosy place that makes me go weak, and my mind so "awwww"

another dessert place which we didn't have any more stomach to have a go at but it does look good. pretty interior decoration don't you think?

ok this is random, i was tired from walking too much so i end up taking a rest for a while, not knowing that i was sitting next to a huge logo, and baby said i look like i was advertising it. *shrugs* it's fuchsia pink, so i don't mind. =)

after which we headed back to town again for brook's haircut, which he totally digs. lol he's always back at the shop whenever he heads back home.

till i'm having my study break blog readers. =)
the shopathon
Another day in paradise, then back to normal stressful hours. This time round, the trip wasn't as fun, obviously cos exams are around the corner (and i had to go back early to study each day after shopping) but cos brook's exams are over and that he was to start his internship after my papers, we decided to go. but i didn't stay as long as he did, which he used the time to entertain his sg friends in his country side house which, i didn't get to visit. =(
anyway, im always spotted in town so, there's no difference in thailand as well... ...

i'm so in love with their designs, it's so pleasing to the eye, you juz wanna plonk down wherever there's nice seats right? then again they have SO MANY plus the dessert places all look so chic!

oh and this is what i call the "mini esplanade" so cute right?! it's situated at no particular (like the corner or within the row of shops) place in the shopping mall, in the center!? out of nowhere! =)
they call themsevles "Amaltery" and they sell alcoholic ice cream! such a genuis idea don't you think?

and a forest feel diner, so... ... cool.

laters people of the world;
may the chic-ness be with you,
Shopping is a girl's workout
Yup, all said and done, shopping! It's seriously is a girl's workout, shops after shops, stretching (when trying clothes) after stretching, pointing after pointing (to whichever cloth that's hideous), plus, you it's a skill, i mean, bargaining. It gets better everytime. =)
but the first stop was to replenish whatever lost liquid in us cos it was scorching hot when we were on our way.

I seem to have lost my stamina actually, use to stop the whole day in a the same building but this time, after a period of 2.5 hours, i caved in. Must be the weather that was getting to me as well. Anyway, the pic on the top right hand corner is me posing with my new dress, haha cos shann thought i was wearing it when she saw the pic. haha

I spotted this lovely diner at Paragon, I utterly love the interior design! Don't you think the chair is really cool?

oh and when you reach a section on bakery, it's a whole lot, simply spoilt for choice!

the wedding cake on the right is so tall! I can barely reach the 1st tier! and the castle, it's stunning isn't it? so much hard work put in it. gosh.

this little corner sells flowers and it's so chic! the design and the way they portray themselves is very posh!

and look at the multicolored rice! no wonder there's inflation! more ingredients added to it!

I'm just so totally awed by the amount of stuffs they sell in their supermarket. it's huge plus there's diners in it AND everything taste so good! you juz simply wouldn't know what to have.
more pics coming up...

this is damn gd! ok, not damn, but yeah, it is good, it's actually milk powder sweet. *looking dazed*

yup, his undying love for ich, haha, his best friend.
were having thai massage and then, fruits were served, arg, ok, i'm juz being boring now, haha

oh and cos i was still hungry after all that mango, i mean how much is there for us to eat right, (though it was served a plate to a person), i insisted that i wasn't to go home hungry, so we had our dinner, and OMG, even if i was to put 10kg on that meal, i'll never regret i had it, it's god darn good!