Shopping is a girl's workout
Yup, all said and done, shopping! It's seriously is a girl's workout, shops after shops, stretching (when trying clothes) after stretching, pointing after pointing (to whichever cloth that's hideous), plus, you it's a skill, i mean, bargaining. It gets better everytime. =)but the first stop was to replenish whatever lost liquid in us cos it was scorching hot when we were on our way.

I seem to have lost my stamina actually, use to stop the whole day in a the same building but this time, after a period of 2.5 hours, i caved in. Must be the weather that was getting to me as well. Anyway, the pic on the top right hand corner is me posing with my new dress, haha cos shann thought i was wearing it when she saw the pic. haha

oh and when you reach a section on bakery, it's a whole lot, simply spoilt for choice!

the wedding cake on the right is so tall! I can barely reach the 1st tier! and the castle, it's stunning isn't it? so much hard work put in it. gosh.

this little corner sells flowers and it's so chic! the design and the way they portray themselves is very posh!

I'm just so totally awed by the amount of stuffs they sell in their supermarket. it's huge plus there's diners in it AND everything taste so good! you juz simply wouldn't know what to have.

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