the shopathon
Another day in paradise, then back to normal stressful hours. This time round, the trip wasn't as fun, obviously cos exams are around the corner (and i had to go back early to study each day after shopping) but cos brook's exams are over and that he was to start his internship after my papers, we decided to go. but i didn't stay as long as he did, which he used the time to entertain his sg friends in his country side house which, i didn't get to visit. =(anyway, im always spotted in town so, there's no difference in thailand as well... ...

i'm so in love with their designs, it's so pleasing to the eye, you juz wanna plonk down wherever there's nice seats right? then again they have SO MANY plus the dessert places all look so chic!

they call themsevles "Amaltery" and they sell alcoholic ice cream! such a genuis idea don't you think?

laters people of the world;
may the chic-ness be with you,

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