Oh man! My department is officially like, broke? My station's stationaries are half way down the rubbish bin cos everything seems to be more than half used.
Yes, I did voice my opinion, obviously, that we had to increase work efficiency and staff motivation by increasing staff funds for basic materials that we need, not to mention, we use it everyday.
My highlighters are 3/4 way down the bin and I have no intension of throwing it away because it seems to "refresh" itself the next day I get back to work. It does not make itself useful though after 1-2 times per day and I had to alternate the colors that are available. Not a very good tactic if you ask me because it gets pretty difficult to spot when I'm doing balancing for the day.
So, I have been looking around for cheap cheap stationaries and yes, I did manage to get a
30 cents pen and a sharpener which costs
50 cents. You might say that I'm a little too thrifty on such but to my defense, I actually brought my cute little mini sized pen to work and guess what? It's ink was out within
1/2 a day! I'm sure, extremely sure that it must be the paper quality that I have to get in contact with everyday. Disgusting if you ask me, the invoices get smelly and it obviously do not miss out the opportunity it got with my hands.
Anyways, I went to Watsons at the airport today and I saw that they sold "Post Its" with names on it and my sweetheart found me the last and only one on the rack with my name which reads "A note from Melissa"

Oh and yes, I'm bringing it to work, although I might not get it use it and maybe because I don't want to use it? And ya, I hear you, well, I like it THAT MUCH that it makes me not want to use it. Oh well, yes I hear myself too, I'm sounding way too defensive. -_- Must be all the deprived sleep. Sigh.

Either way, I'm bringing along the highlighter from my home sweet home together along with an easer.
Conclusion?My department of DBS, is way too
poor. Oh by the way, my department is Factoring. -_- Ironic isn't it?
Singapore Economy growing?
The anticipating wait for every faithful tourists who comes here during this time of the year, the fellow home landers of mine, together our hearts beat as one as the period that we're all waiting for is finally coming near and fast.
The month of June- August is the well known
Great Singapore Sale and yes! Some places has already started before hand! Calvin Klein is one example, which is WHY my dearest mommy bought me a blouse/ dress from there today!

Other than that, not much else happened today just that there were
LOADS of invoices etc to be looked at and it almost drive me nuts. -_-" But luckily, today I had a half day off so I went on to do my intended stuff and went off to have a good time with my mom.
It's always so satisfying when I'm out with her because there's no need of much walking, much waiting but full of
makan, good time shopping and good catching up. Well, there's a con side though, that is myself having to
carry the stuffs but well, it's a small price to pay for a goody goody good time!
Today was a bad start in the morning considering the fact that it rained a little. Nevertheless, it is a smart idea to bring along my companions everywhere i go.
With the grey clouds gathering high above me, people paced faster, buses crowding up, children walking to school, all these sight might be a little distressing but music helps to perk me up.
The one thing i realised is, music does wake me up in the morning, and I had the "It's a beautiful day" (by a Singaporean band who was from St. Pats if I'm not mistaken) as my alarm clock. It's a great tune to wake up to, in fact, a funny one.
Mentioning about music, my favorite song right now is "Everything" by Michael Buble. Sigh, I wonder when will I be able to go to his concert agaiN!!! It was such a wonderful experience, and of course the surprise present was prepared non other than by my boo!
So basically, everyday now that is the most important in my life to keep my sane from numbers at the office is my colleagues (which i will most definitely try to get all of their pics soon hehe)
my hp, to sms boo every single min! our
main communication tool at work!
ipod - to wake me
my cutey hello kitten utensils set! well, because I tend to buy back food with my colleagues and i ALWAYS for some reason, forget to get the utensils, so yup! this is my savior!)

and so... ...
when boredom kicks in
this is what happens!
Well, that's all folks!
Brand New
My new job these days are a little more interesting than before because of my colleagues! =) They're such a fun bunch of people not forgetting the fact that they kept disturbing each other though out.
Peifang - a very helpful person which a caring heart, she even volunteers as a tuition teacher to cancer kids. It gave me the inspiration to take up what she's done. Oh and she received such a huge bouquet of sunflowers for her b'day!
Nani - An ex-air stewardess who is now the captain of the "plane" in our office! also known as the office clown!
Norima aka mama - An officer of our department and is always saying that I laugh like her niece! -_- I wonder whether is it a praise or otherwise.
Muncheng - also another joker in officer, a person easily bullied and vice versa.
What did i do during the weekends u may ask?
Well, let the pics do the talking!

Lunchie together at swensons before my big moment of...........
the transformation of this to......


did i shock you? =P wait can u really see from this pic -_- hmmm oh well, I had my hair permed again
happy happy days!~
It has been a really hectic week for me, work durin' the weekdays and trying to have enough rest through the weekends.
It's tough though because today is mothers' day and I had to brainstorm what to get for my mom. I ended up getting her a mug that says "I love mommy" and yes, i think it's necessary and a smart idea to get it because she was very upset with me a few day before saying that I have no time for her.
I know now that it is tough to juggle job, family and relationship at the same time. I suppose it's especially so when I'm like the only child.
Anyway it was a good weekend because I ended up eating tim sum with my parents at a restaurant in Chinatown and they even give free carnation flower! It seemed to have made her day as well and I suppose the mothers' day was a day to catch up as well. All the lost conversations that we ought to catch up with and the experiences that I've learned in DBS.
On to another topic about the news on the NS guys who died in a Taiwan training trip, I feel for their parents, it must be especially tough for their moms who could have enjoyed such a day but due to mishaps, it's not possible.
I want to send my condolences to Lavene as well as she smsed me and a few other friends that her dad has passed away peacefully this morning.
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Here I am, walking down memory lane. Way back to when I was, I would say, a kid. It all seems like yesterday and that I can still go down to the park infront of my house to play with the neighborhood children soccer and whatever else we used to play.
It seems like yesterday that I can turn back time to correct what went wrong, to change my fate if I may say, and that I wouldn't be sitting here wondering the "what ifs".
I play the photo in my head that I look at every now and then for so many years, till I buried the feelings and prayed hard. Years went by before I stuffed it into the drawers, now, I simply forgot when I put them.
The white snow, wolf at the back ground, black jacket, Burberry scarf.
I can barely forget how it looks.
I wonder, how are the people who I use to know are now.
I'm sure that now, even when I walk past them, it'll be like strangers.
What if I knew them all along? Would anything change? If so, how will NOW be like. Will I ever get to see them again?
Proof of the 2 coma cute cute things
Good day ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Mel's Sweet Escape. Today, we will be coving the story of the 2 dead cute cute things.
Thanks to paparazzi, the 2 innocent cute cute things' coma have shed some light after just one day.
Many pictures were taken as to how they've injured and were left hanging on the desktop screen through the night. It was believed that they died while being pierced as the attempted murderer wanted them to wear "earrings".

After the owner of the cute cute things, Nani, came to know about the evidence, she painfully mentioned that she will/ might report to the police about it and demanded the paparazzi to go with her to make the report. Despite trying to be persuasive, she was being rejected. Right now, there's no news of whether she will make the report.
That's all that happened today.
Thank you for visiting "The Sweet Escape".
Updates! Updates! Hear all about it!
Wed 2/04/2007
I'd started work and woke myself up at 5.30am, YES because I have to get to work by 8.30am and that I was afraid that I'll get lost in Shenton Way. I simply asked for directions and blindly followed them until I got the DBS building. I have to say that the people I've got to know in the office seems very friendly and yes, my work revolves around computers, calculators, files, papers and postman. Yup, you read it correctly. Postman. He will come around to our department every so often to send us all the documents that needs to be keyed into system, stamp, checked, filed. And when he comes again, (he comes around 5-6 times a day), it's like a merry-go-round. Just that, of course, it's not all that merry.
Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking as I've been sleep deprived recently because of my phobia of going late to work.


Work, till 6.15 everyday, Mon-Fri, just like every other normal white collar person. =(

Thurs 3/04/2007


Work, till 6.15 and then......

OFF I went to meet
sweetheart at Raffles City to grab our dinner! He's like the only reason for me to go through everyday now. Working life is so NOT fun especially if your job requires you to sit in the office most of the time and do the same thing continuously.
Fri 05/04/2007


Work and then ... ...

I've a surprise for my sweetheart tomorrow! Stay tune for the updates during the weekends. :))
Health is Wealth
Ho ho! Sweetheart and myself headed down to Parkway Parade to get lunchie and we had Fish & Co. after much thought and not to mention, time.
And here it is! Our lunchie! Oh and accompanied by my favorite drink of the month, Milo Ice Blended! (without pearl) Just talking about it makes me salivate again, and yes, I wonder why is it that I have a tendency to keep eating or drinking something that I adore for a period of time. This time, it's Milo Ice Blended and grapes (started ever since I was in China which is about 9 months ago and I've yet to give up the continuous eating of it which is EVERYDAY).
Our Lunchie of the Day!

And right after this lunchie, we went to Nike store because sweetheart wanted to get his Nike shoes (the one that is connected to Ipod which is quite dumb actually because sweetheart's Ipod broke like a year ago?) But anyway, I'm sure he has a backup plan and that is to take his bro's and use it while running. But never mind all that, the thing is, he wanted to get it TODAY, yes, like TODAY, but they didn't have his size. It's such a pity really, because he tends to keep looking at it but never buying it and today Nike actually has a chance of selling it to him but, No No No, they didn't have his size. -_- *shakes head*
And then, off we went back to his place because we wanted to go to the gym, but we started off playing badminton for about an hour for warm up after which, we went to the gym for another hour. It felt to good after power walking that, well, I think I'd use up all my energy that I wanted to sleep immediately.
As the night was coming pretty fast, we headed to Parkway again and had dinner there, Yong Tau Fu for me and Ba Chor Mee for him.
All in all, I had a perfectly wonderful time with him and yes! Tomorrow's going to be my first day at work! Wish me luck! :))
*fingers cross* hopefully tomorrow morning is NOT going to rain. I've yet to find my way there!