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Wed 2/04/2007
I'd started work and woke myself up at 5.30am, YES because I have to get to work by 8.30am and that I was afraid that I'll get lost in Shenton Way. I simply asked for directions and blindly followed them until I got the DBS building. I have to say that the people I've got to know in the office seems very friendly and yes, my work revolves around computers, calculators, files, papers and postman. Yup, you read it correctly. Postman. He will come around to our department every so often to send us all the documents that needs to be keyed into system, stamp, checked, filed. And when he comes again, (he comes around 5-6 times a day), it's like a merry-go-round. Just that, of course, it's not all that merry.
Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking as I've been sleep deprived recently because of my phobia of going late to work.


Work, till 6.15 everyday, Mon-Fri, just like every other normal white collar person. =(

Thurs 3/04/2007


Work, till 6.15 and then......

OFF I went to meet sweetheart at Raffles City to grab our dinner! He's like the only reason for me to go through everyday now. Working life is so NOT fun especially if your job requires you to sit in the office most of the time and do the same thing continuously.

Fri 05/04/2007


Work and then ... ...


I've a surprise for my sweetheart tomorrow! Stay tune for the updates during the weekends. :))
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