Today was a bad start in the morning considering the fact that it rained a little. Nevertheless, it is a smart idea to bring along my companions everywhere i go.With the grey clouds gathering high above me, people paced faster, buses crowding up, children walking to school, all these sight might be a little distressing but music helps to perk me up.
The one thing i realised is, music does wake me up in the morning, and I had the "It's a beautiful day" (by a Singaporean band who was from St. Pats if I'm not mistaken) as my alarm clock. It's a great tune to wake up to, in fact, a funny one.
Mentioning about music, my favorite song right now is "Everything" by Michael Buble. Sigh, I wonder when will I be able to go to his concert agaiN!!! It was such a wonderful experience, and of course the surprise present was prepared non other than by my boo!
So basically, everyday now that is the most important in my life to keep my sane from numbers at the office is my colleagues (which i will most definitely try to get all of their pics soon hehe)

my hp, to sms boo every single min! our main communication tool at work!

ipod - to wake me UP!
my cutey hello kitten utensils set!
well, because I tend to buy back food with my colleagues and i ALWAYS for some reason, forget to get the utensils, so yup! this is my savior!)

and so... ...
when boredom kicks in
this is what happens!
Well, that's all folks!
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