Health is Wealth
Ho ho! Sweetheart and myself headed down to Parkway Parade to get lunchie and we had Fish & Co. after much thought and not to mention, time.And here it is! Our lunchie! Oh and accompanied by my favorite drink of the month, Milo Ice Blended! (without pearl) Just talking about it makes me salivate again, and yes, I wonder why is it that I have a tendency to keep eating or drinking something that I adore for a period of time. This time, it's Milo Ice Blended and grapes (started ever since I was in China which is about 9 months ago and I've yet to give up the continuous eating of it which is EVERYDAY).
Our Lunchie of the Day!

And right after this lunchie, we went to Nike store because sweetheart wanted to get his Nike shoes (the one that is connected to Ipod which is quite dumb actually because sweetheart's Ipod broke like a year ago?) But anyway, I'm sure he has a backup plan and that is to take his bro's and use it while running. But never mind all that, the thing is, he wanted to get it TODAY, yes, like TODAY, but they didn't have his size. It's such a pity really, because he tends to keep looking at it but never buying it and today Nike actually has a chance of selling it to him but, No No No, they didn't have his size. -_- *shakes head*
And then, off we went back to his place because we wanted to go to the gym, but we started off playing badminton for about an hour for warm up after which, we went to the gym for another hour. It felt to good after power walking that, well, I think I'd use up all my energy that I wanted to sleep immediately.
As the night was coming pretty fast, we headed to Parkway again and had dinner there, Yong Tau Fu for me and Ba Chor Mee for him.
All in all, I had a perfectly wonderful time with him and yes! Tomorrow's going to be my first day at work! Wish me luck! :))
*fingers cross* hopefully tomorrow morning is NOT going to rain. I've yet to find my way there!
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