Make Up Class
Ok, so back like 2 years ago, i never really touch make up before and my mom did looked at me in utter disbelief that I was hopeless in eyeliner. She then demonstrated it to me and it's a pretty funny sight actually, cos she ended up drawing WAY out of the eye cos she is half blind without her specs.
Haha, so yes, my mom was very hip back in her younger days, wearing make up everyday, claiming to be very fashionable too.
then again, she is still quite fashionable what, since she shop me with most of the time and i help to pick out pretty clothes.
anyway, so when mak mun cheng introduced me a pretty reasonable makeup class, i signed up and went ahead with yy too.
It was a fun time, and laughed at how hopeless we girls are with makeup, esp when we practice certain routine everyday and never knew it was WRONG! to think we're corrected by a guy!?!?

yy and myself, qingqing's sis and herself (kinda look alike huh? but i dun think it's twins look-alike, juz "sisters" look alike, cos qingqing claims that ppl often mistake both of them)

oh and we had Azabu Sabo after for dinner! =)

Princesses Meet Up!
Finally! It's been donkey months since we've met up and I was SO looking forward to finally meeting them to, well partly celebrating Jane's belated birthday, super belated I must add, SO SORRY PRINCESS JANE!

And yes it's like old times again, taking pics like nobody business, not bothered how others giving us the weird look when we pose to the cammie

and cos p. tricia and jane was caught in a jam, p. linda and i ordered ourselves loads of food, so then we could hog the table as well, to keep the waitresses and waiters away from our table cos of the congested que.

it's such fun to catch up, as well as the ups and downs we go through in our individual lives. Much as we want to stay longer with each other, time flies for some reason, i cant believe it's years since we've met and im pretty such, they're friends for keep.... for life.

to princesses: i'm so glad i've met you.
it's been so long since liz and i met up, totally remind me of the days when i pull her out of the classroom to have our mini breaks back in RP, ice kachang and soyabean was our staple. haha
you guessed it, it was more of my craving. =P
anyway we were foosball buddies, always beating the guys and girls who come and challenge us and also floor ball buddies going for practices together till late at night.
oh and apparently she's having some bad luck spells now, she got caught in the lift at her house when she was gonna meet up with me, and she told me that on a recent occasion, her atm card got jammed inside the machine! -_- seriously, the hell did she get all these happening to her in a short period of time?!

our 2 ice kachang wanna be, haha since shokudo was arnd the corner, i intro her to the desserts there since she's still a mountain turtle even though she's back here from aust for abt a month?
anyway, i've recently met up with Charmaine, finally got to meeting up after a year. she's juz back for 2 weeks and she's off to aust again cos of exams.
nothing's more fun than eating lunch, doing nails, having tea and shopping together, if time allows, it'll be even more great to have everything else girly to be done in a day, then again, what else can i do for the rest of the week, hmmm, that's when time management comes in, haha, scheduling and spreading out even to make one busy all week long. =P