Weekends for me
okay so i've been infected with the "bug".
Fever, on.....off, on........off.
It was so weird, i mean it was definitely hot, excruciating may i add, these days, but there are times when I'm feeling cold, so i didn't know whether to brrrrr *with the cold air* or simply wipe away my perspiration.
okay, in real life? I didn't know whether to cosy up myself in my comforter or to put it away, and yes i've been trying to recuperate but with the antibodies in me that obviously take leave for some hours, every now and then, it wasn't easy for me to know whether i was fully well again.
anyhow, i experienced muscle aches all over my body, parts which i never knew i had muscles actually ached. urg. disgusting. now i understand how some feels when they are going to be down with the flu bug.
oh, apparently this is my first ever to experience such "pre-ill symptoms" PIS i shall call it.
I mean that's how people get the word PMS right.
PIS.........urggggggg BIG TIME.
oh but i wasn't feeling all that bad on sat so i went on out to have a tiny wee bit catch up with hayden, considering we haven't met since he offically started on THE job.
sounds so darn interesting!! i wanna steal the job away from him!
and oh THANK YOU for waitin with me for my friend at zouk hayden.
oh long story cut short, i was to pass my friend her b'dae present but she wasn't there still and cos i couldn't get her on the phone, i had to wait for her to get back to me, which ended in a, "no passing of present" situation but, yeah it waS one hell of a waiting, an hour to b exact haha but hayden and i were people watching which can be pretty fun.
maybe that's gonna be my new hobby, standin' outside of clubs and people watch with friends, and being critical.

oh and the pic below, haha juz for fun. =P
we wonder
why the shops always close on us, making our shopping time seem so short till we had to go the extra mile to sneak into the half closed barrier between the shop and us.
no wonder picture tells a thousand words,
we took time to eat.=)
we visited ice cream chef this time and i had my alternative from milo to strawberry because there wasn't any milo that day! =(
unfortunate, really.

my mix-ins was crunchy banana cereal or something like that,
the verdict: 2 out of 5 scoops
my milo wins hands down. =)

shann had her durian with, hmm i forgot what mix-ins haha but ya ya,
verdict for her ice cream: 3 out of 5 scoops
haha i would have given milo 4 out of 5 =P

so there, 2 ice cream, side by side, oh both are fruity, so according to shann it's healthY! =D

2 shots each,
still wondering which is a nicer pic to put, couldn't decide so i ended up putting both. =P

oh and after this, we headed for parkway to walk out e calories but after abt 30 mins or so, everywhere was closing on us. =(
WELL! if only im president of Singapore, i'll have all shopping malls in Singapore open till 12 midnight!
*evil laughter*
went on to ecp for bbq with the rest of the crew of coca cola last friday,
had loads of fun and catching up,
and as u can see i took a lot of pics with them, cos i wouldn't know when i'll be seeing them again which reminds me that there is this D&D that i will be attendin, but unfortunately not all will be present. =(

left to right: kelvin, wendy
i started to take individual pics but realised i didnt take all of them.
if u were wondering why i didnt take the food pic, there wasnt much to start with =( or at least when i reached there.

left to right: raymond, justine (my boss)

left to right: alan, alvin

left to right: colin, daniel
below: javier

green border pic: janice, me, tiffany, wendy
yellow border pic: wendy, janice, me, tiffany, justine

blue border pic: stacey, jacelyn, faith, justine, shan shan, me, tiffany
top pic in green background: alan, alvin, michelle (alvin's wife)

ok i realised that even though i added the names you prolly won't bother much, haha so i decided to give up half way. anyway, it was a fun night, seeing everyone so relaxed and an added bonus was taking in the sight of the drunken state of some!
A myna
so cool.
i happen to see this out of my window and i was totally amazed, no it wasn't hurt, i actually saw 2 of them, but when i rushed back to get my camera it was solo, =)
then again, it was better than none left.
spreading out its wings, relaxin under the sun, i bet it must have been thinking "man, this is heavennnn......"
Lunar Birthday
My dad's lunar birthday was last week, okay i forgot which day, but then again, who cares abt lunar right? at least i don't and if i knew when exactly is my lunar birthday i would demand 2 presents! =P
so anyway cos my parents and i were pretty free, we had dinner together at Din Tai Fung at Raffles City, they apparently love the food there now. talk abt craving, they have the same taste and always agree with one another on the "where to eat?" topic, and when i suggest another place, they always trumph me cos it's 1 against 2, which is so no fair don't you think?!
then again, what can i say when my dad uses the "it's my lunar birthday, i get to choose where to eat" card
anyway they are always shy on taking pics, though the "shy" never crosses their minds when they are lecture me. hmmm okay it's pretty weird i use the word "shy" and "lecture" together cos i mean why would they be right, then again, it's juz an excuse, haha. (like u wouldn't know)
so to people like hayden, =) the followings are simply pleasant to the eye.

Bugis, Orchard, you name it
we've been there.
it was an extremely tiring day, lunch with best and beau for best's 21st birthday, and I've yet to scream out,
Laurent Bernard has fantastic cakes. =) ok it's no surprise it's main attractions are their chocolate.
Much of
Shunjuu and chocolate makes us all lightheaded, so it was a perfect plan to meet up with shannie for a whole day of walking =)
though we love to spend our whole fortune on clothes and whatever nots, it was kinda not possible, okay not possible at all, but thanks to shann i've finally gotten my long dress at long last.
the pics below are kinda random, we were juz posing outside at GAP, haha modelling though there were handful of strangers walking past us every few seconds.

but who cares? =P
we had fun, that's what matters the most right?
and this was taken along the construction site of ion, isn't pretty? =)
it was a really fun time spending day out with amanda, finding for presents, laughing at the smallest things and most of all eating at Crystal Jade.
omg! they created a wondeful dish, soya bean milk as a soup and some dried stuffs inside it.
i've been meaning to go back there for it, it's DARN NICE!

haha the last pic of the dishes is the one i'm raving abt, and the rest, it's juz simply heaven too, i mean, how bad can it get when u have good company. =)
Closing another chapter of my life
It's amazing how time really flies and then the memories flood back when u least expects. The difficult times just seemed like it happened yesterday. Through my time in Coca Cola, i can truly said i learned alot and am glad that there were challenges. as short as 2 months, I felt that i grew, just simply being independent, holding a position where everyone comes to me with a problem made me realise a potential that i never knew i had.
as much as i might have been stressed in my department, the rest of them were equally so, if not, even more.
so there was no doubt what else i had to give them as a departing gift and that's stress balls!

yes, they were there to see me thru it all. =)
Bugis Night
We were very much shopping arnd Bugis, (which is so not our place) because of Bugis street. It seems that there are apparently many great buys to be found unfortunately we didnt efficiently walked round to source of the pretty clothes that might be hanging in out closet.
Anyway, cos of the reputation this blog seem to have been well known for, I'll leave u with what we ate there. =)

oh and if u're thinking that i took pictures of the same dishes twice, THINK AGAIN. =P
okay i've looked thru my pictures and i realised I had yet to post all the food! lol
so here i am posting them, =)
enjoy salivating. =P

when thai meets sg
it's pretty amazing how Amarit and co. drinks every night back in thai and it's craziness when brook and i go to thai. as u can imagine, how it would be like when they come here instead. so being host of this tiny island, i brought them to the only nightlife i know; clark quay.

the picture above is pretty crazy as amarit had his clinic SHOT at the operation chair! haha, it's pretty funny how it got to his nostil and he was making hell lot of noise after that. lol

this was taken at MOS, which we finally settled in after walking away from Butterfactory.

As u can see, they are one hell of a outgoing group, haha they shopped and shopped and clubbed and clubbed, for the short period of 3 days.

oh and they agree too that Boon Tong Kee Chicken Rice is GOOOOOOOOOD.