fun, not forgotten
yes, i remember the days when i barely stepped out of the house, full swing studying, so i made sure i'm having a fun filled life, even though i might be working. it's alot of catch up with friends and eating, (obviously) and work (unfortunately).
this was taken a couple of weeks back, meant to be a reunion for us, but eventually there left only man and myself. nevertheless, i had much fun with her alone, catching up, filling our conversation with gossips, stories, updates of our life, it simply felt like we never grew apart. it's amazing how friends come and go in life, but some are simply meant to stay, accompanying you , guiding you through a journey called life.

there after, there was a bunch of people who are equally fun, haha and if u realised, there was 2 people ppl in the pic that wasn't even meant to be in our clique, smiling away. lol

so back to us, sharing our most treasured weekends,

eating, lol

and a dinner meet up with shann, zhenni and rong shen. no surprises there, shokudo again! lol but it's a great place to be, no fuss, lots of variety and we can chill as long as we like!

oh and we checked out the ice cream stall marvelous ice cream or something, it's called, and shann bring sweet as usual, brought back some coconut dessert from aust for us to try.

till then world,

though it may be some times till i update again, hang on! i'm sure to clear the spider webs that's collected here through the days. =P
miscellaneous whatevers
nothing new, it's been our "default" for a couple of weeks now, a choice even during the weekends.
okay, i's not like it's everyday, just a couple of days a week. =P

oh like how the title of the entry suggest, it's miscellaneous, so yeah, darling insisted we took the pic of our company card, and so i did, considering there was nothing much to do in the cab. lol

on a fine morning, my colleague walked up to me and ask "one?" i mustered the most disgusted look i have and said "NO! i don't smoke! u mean u don't know?" sounding offended since i never knew i gave out a "signal" that suggest i did.
and then he offered me again, this time at a closer proximity. HAH! it's chocolate! -_-
but it looks so much like cigarette, no?

oh and i thought this was funny! a sign telling everyone "I'M BROKE! SO DON'T MUG ME!"
So i'm back from Tuas to bring you latest update, or more appropriately a fast forward to what I've been up to.
Yes, I'm still alive if you're wondering, alive and kicking in Tuas, alive from 5am to 11pm, still trying to get myself to follow a more healthy routine by sleeping earlier, as early as 9pm, which is no doubt bull for the moment.
Anyway, though it's like weeks back since this happened, I brought sweetheart to Oomphatico's for his birthday, somewhere in town minus-ing the crowd and I'm glad it worked out well.
It was very unforeseen since they had a sign stating 'happy birthday brok!' as a sign that the table was reserved, and obviously cos they spelled it wrongly too.
it wasn't a surprise that they had a song ready for baby cos someone else was celebrating her birthday too and they sang it while we had our dinner. -_-" but it WAS definitely a surprise whe n it came out ..... weird, as in the song.
will upload another day cos it took a awing 45 mins and longer, yet it wasn't on the blog yet, same goes for youtube, gosh, all my videos doesn't seem to be on net yet. =(
anyway this place is awesome and I adore it the moment i walked past a couple of months back so i decided to give it a try there on his birthday itself.
prefect interior is my cup of tea of late.

they market themselves portraying a healthy image with fusion of plenty cultures, american with thai with, jap?

they are also known for their desserts!

and this kiddy cupcake was brook's birthday cake! lol
he felt like a child all over again cos there were balloons for him too!

and i'm in love with the chandelier!

oh and this? lol the power of macro function in the camera hahah
j/k, i just thought it looked really pretty, don't you think?

Major update
there's so much to update and yet to little time to go into detail.
just so there's too many pics in my cam, i decided to take the time to dump into the blog and allow you to analyze yourself how my days and weeks have been.
this pic was taken after the first day of my work, not much to add though i juz wanna complain over and over again that i work 10.5 hrs a day.
the place i work is closer to malaysia than to home and though i will never die thirsty working there, i can die from the dusty environment. so many lorries and whatever nots pass by there, urg.
anyway, did i mention? i adore shokudo =) it's one of the places I've been regularly frequenting and sad to say, i'm kinda hooked.

this pic was taken last sat when brook's parents were in town and we all went for a mini celebration for sweetheart's birthday.

okay, i have no recollection of when this was taken, oh oh! sun! =) yes, sunday, a pre-monday blues day.

all the pics taken was a stay home, yet another mini celebration for brook.

and that's all folks, for how i'd spent my last weekend, before the dreaded early mornings of the weekdays come.