back when the days were gd
when my parents were away, i invited shann and zhenni over to slack together at my place, to have a girls' night in and day out.
we had a perfect plan, meet up at ice cream chef and then head back to my home to place their barangs barangs, and then head back out to haji lane to check out the cool stuffs they were suppose to have there.
oh and i believe the world took a change for a while as shann was the first to reach and we ended up waiting for zhenni, whom i was pretty sure she would have gotten there first.
anyway, we let ourselves have a little entertainment among both of us while the wait, but as patience wasn't exactly our virtue, we decided to buy our first cup of ice cream before zhenni came and then prolly get a 2nd when she reached.

but as we were buying our yummies, zhenni got there and so we kinda had our ice cream at the same time,

though shann and i had our second serving STILL.

so back home, when we settled their barangs barangs, they got tooooooo comfortable so we ended up having a stay in, haha and i entertained them by playing some korean drama show, which they thought was pretty boring, though it was meant to be interesting, haha well, i should have known, considering i napped through it.
we had our dinner after which we brought LOADS of snacks back to my place, gosh, to think i was trying my best to get healthy all over again.
well, it obviously didn't work.
it was a childhood flash back when i saw the tiny ice cream cone with the chocolate paste in a tube, sort of like a tiny ice cream when the paste is squeezed into the cone, i had them try and it was awesome! i mean, at least i thought it was, gosh, so much memories were overwhelming my brain at that point of them.

and so when we were waiting for zhenni to be done bathing, we had obviously nothing much to do which we ended up bitch camming again.

here, zhenni's presenting our deadliest sin, rits biscuit with nutella and an MnMs to finish it off a presentable outlook.

and so, the obvious next step is to pop into our mouths which shann excitedly demostrates

oh and this is how u eat the tiny ice cream cone which zhenni is proud to present

after all the eating, and eating and eating, oh and eating again, this time, an option to healthy diet again after all the junk, we enjoyed it with our master zhenni who taught us how to play mahjong.
hhahha if u see the middle picture, zhenni had a couple of NGs from the picture taking, and she ended up with a smile from a candid pic!
hahhaha! she's so classic!

so anyway, the next day after a few more rounds of mahjong, and much more eating, we finally headed out to meet shann's friend sheryln to go haji lane, at the mean time, we had a little detour to a dessert shop near bugis which is pretty gd i must add.

presenting to your haji lane =)

and so we had dinner, gosh, now, i kinda realise, my meet up with shann and zhenni seemed to be like a food fiesta!

oh by the way, yoguru is niceeeeee they finally opened their store in raffles city

and then i headed for supper with brook after his long hours of work. =)

a perfect day, food, mahjong, friends, shopping, food again, brook and then food. =)
haha, food, seems to revolve lots in my life.

right now, i don't think i can afford such life, found a job and now i'm gonna have a whole new routine, started since friday. arg.
bye bye sweet holidays, i'll see u again in 2 months time.
friends, always will be
i've realised, once friends in kc, always will be. though it's been umpteen years since we've met, okay months for esther and amanda, but beng hui and i hit it off once again, we all talked like we just met up yesterday and we continue to talk like how we were in KC. though there are many experiences we do not share together now, we still hold on to our values, simple things like not smoking, our little habits, and whatever nots, all still intact within us.
it's such a wonderful time together, time flies when we're together, and we always go back in time to relive our lives . there's never a moment to pause, and even if so, no awkwardness is present.
with that, i leave you with the minimal pics we took as we were simply too busy catching up.
our food fiesta venue: shokudo

beng hui aka beng, me, amanda aka man and esther
after which, brook, jon and myself headed down to the prata house to introduce the best prata to jon before he went back to states in the wee hours on the next morning.


and there, brook, jon and .... some other guy. hmm yupz, you guessed it, their friend. =)
It's not so bad after all
Alright, being a tourist in Singapore is not so bad after all. On the hindsight, it's pretty expensive getting around, trying stuffs.
So we went to Clark Quay, big deal, haha, it's pretty big deal when someone is looking forward to experience the Extreme Reverse Bungy Jump.
oh, wait, no, not me, OF COS NOT! -_- just the 2 guys, who were trying all scheming ways to get me up there, but I obviously got away with it, I mean, who knows, for all you know, I wouldn't be alive still, blogging here.

yup, looking right straight at the towers of the bungy jump. urg, looking at it makes me go giddy already.
anyway, back to the birds and the bees, we had ya kun! =) just to let jon experience the typical singaporean lifestyle having tea, on a sunny afternoon.

oh and we walked around to show him the themed clubs and pubs, omg, he was so amazed he kept saying "this is awesome!"

so sweetheart after seeing that display of wheelchair in the middle and after my prim and proper picture on the bottom left side of the collage, he had to pretend to prick me!, PRICK!

oh and we went around and found this little singapore tourism pub which was specialized in singapore sling, the all time favourite fruity cocktail, and so we had it since it was happy hour.

oh and the time came and went, the 2 tad bit intoxicated fellows climbed their butts up to experience this life changing thrill.

and so, they proudly show off their conquering experience by posing with the tixs.

so back to the peaceful life of listening to the birds and the bees, we strolled around and found sir stanford raffles, with his famous pose, we use to joke about back when we first learned singapore history. it's not to glamorous after all up close and personal though, so many bird shits on his head, doesn't make it better with his whole statue being off white.

=) next up, singapore flyer! oh ok, we went to the cookie museum first but no pics, so yup, let's skip that part, haha.

gosh! thank goodness we didn't sneak any food up there, to think we wanted to sneak it in like how we go to the movies, cos they had the "x-ray" machines for bags and all! plus they had sign boards showing no the food.

yup yup! all set to go for the 30 min ride, not so fun if u ask me, but well, it's not like i'm gonna go for a 2nd round so i took as many pics as possible but the turn out wasn't great so, yah, i suppose i was juz trying to keep myself busy.

with our singapore flyer tixs, the guys got 9 shots at the "kick and win" station, though sweetheart's kicks were really powerful, gosh, it's kinda like my first time seeing him play soccer, and i must say he's pretty gd but we got unlucky so we didn't win any thing.

haha this was so hilarious! sweetheart started to pose like the statue while waiting for cabs at ritz calton.

oh and cab where u might ask? =) food! hahha we were so hungry we decided to head down straight for food, we gobbled like kids and juz simply nodded when jon agreed with us that it was simply delicious.

a great day to end a touristy day out. =)
uptown and good food
So it's the first week for sweet thing and he's got to help out for community service. having described the lizard eggs, small round ball, looking like moth balls, URG. omg. to think his colleague picked it up before tossing it back onto the floor when she realized it was a moth ball.
and darling mimicked a little girl aged 10, accompanying her mom for the service, she said "mummy, i told you my room is not very messy what"
it was a classic, gosh i wished i could see how the little girl said it, it must have been really hilarious.

haha to think baby was all excited over a free t-shirt that spells "V-o-l-u-n-t-e-e-r" at the back of the shirt.

OH OH! and the pic above is to prove, show how HUGE his mouth can get, it's so huge, or at least he can open so wide that he can shove his fist into his mouth! hahaha another in-born talent. ;P

oh i had to take this pic, did i ever mention that i was once addicted to subway's cookies? i ate so much that i was having pimples all day long.

=) looking happy cos we were heading towards seafood center for some tantalizing dishes

No Signboard Here We Come!

we ordered the no-brainer dish: chilli crab with mun tohs hmm ok looks like i spell it wrongly haha

stream fish, cereal prawns, and coffee pork ribs.

good laughs and good food, what's not to like?