Pics for thoughts
It's always been me traveling alone to meet brook so it's quite an uncommon sight of us going to thailand together. Anyway, we are always the last few to get our butts in plane so then we wouldn't have to wait long for it to depart. but the place crew sure still know how to dilly dally. anyway when we have no entertainment on board we entertain ourselves instead. ;)

oh and i caught Sweeney Todd, it's a musical show! hmm, and i never knew about it until i caught it. I never knew Johnny Depp could sing that well.

So first up, since it was the weekends, baby got me to JJ, by train. Apparently, he do not know the way by road. I think it's the best transport in thailand though cos of the infamous traffic condition they have there. the only smooth ride i can think of in thailand is the wee hours of the morning, after clubbing. then again, their clubs closes at the same time as they have a curfew law so all the drunkards end up pilling up the narrow roads.

after all that walking in the morning and afternoon, we headed to Robinson's near his home to get a delightful meal from BBQ Plaza

and the pics below are our dessert.

Days filled with routine, that is, studying studying studying.
The funny thing is, it actually feel like time's flying, so much to study that it flew past without me knowing. I'm amazed how I can continue on and keep the pace once i start. Or at least when i isolate myself in the wee hours of the morning and surprisingly, i can tolerate the sleepiness. Hmm, maybe cos i slept in the afternoon. haha, ok that's not counted right, sleeping not = to studying.
Anyway, yes it's been unproductive to study at home during day time, i seem to waste so much time juz doing nothing, so i got myself to get out to study with Shann on Sat and Sun at the airport. Well, at least i have a momentum to start with. We bumped into our lecture mate and she ended up joining us, which lead them to teaching me multiplier for econs.
OMG, i can't belive i can actually understand all that math now. I never, NEVER touched that topic when i was studying for prelims, was determined actually, not to touch it, but haha i supopse i can't run away forever, considering im doing bsc in econs and management. urg.
ok, i should learn to appreciate my course more.
Anyway, met up with Shann's friend from dinner. Supposedly known as "Korean .... Bastard" by shann, haha cos his chinese name sounds like Sangyong or something like that, hmm a korean brand of electric applicances right? lol
OH OH and the important point i wanted to make was, WE HAD POPEYES! =)
*grins from ear to ear*

in fact, i realise im pretty selective when i blog, I dun bother to blog down details of the day, juz "bullet points" here and there, haha, crap, i should prolly get down to it.... ok, now i'm jus bring random. haha,
anyway, yes yes, i know, ppl dun like to read too much, love to look at pics and then get on to other blogs, ok fineeeeeeee, some fugly pics, shann's prolly gonna kill me, then again, there's only a handful of u who's ever gonna see these, haha, so..... enjoy the 5 second entertainment.

ok this was taken a couple of weeks back when we were studying at Wisma's Starbucks

ok, this was one of the many takes that i look exactly the same but shann, hmm, well there's difference, haha then she kept complaining

and complaining,

and she said her hair looks weird today, oh and i think she looks so much prettier now with her hair being dyed black don't you think? compared to,

so don't you think? see see, the bleached part, so yea, i think she's looks much better now.

so anyway, we finally gave up, shann suggested we should juz ....not smile.
P.Tricia's Birthday
A haitus it has been, like i've mentioned, i'll upload the pictures i got from other princesses simply cos i didn't bring my cam that night.
it was a blast if u ask me. =) having caught up with what the princesses have been doing, oh and not forgetting to mention, p.linda is also having exams, gosh, exam stress is really getting to me. it's especially so when i went to thailand for a couple of days and now that i'm back, i'm studying harder than ever.
well, i do hope p.tricia understood what i wrote in her card, I quote "like how my friend tony use to say, It'sssssss GREAT!" but i used it as have a GREAAAAAT day. ha, i doubt she understood cos p.jane and p.linda didn't.
anyway, it was totally awesome for p.tricia, her cake was a STAR! =) STAR of the night, fits like a shoe! =)

well, if you're reading this p.tricia, happy belated birthday! =) may all your royal wishes come true! *throw sprinkles around you*

All that Jazz
after 1/2 a decade together, it's not only a significant other that we've become to each other, it's more of a best friend, a confidant, a rant partner, a makan kaki, a travelling kaki and so much more, in short, he's everything to me.

It seems, he brings out the best in me, giving me support when I'm low in life, passing judgments, giving advises when I'm in dilemma, help tutoring me when I'm obviously lousy at my modules, basically pushing me to be my best, at my optimal.
Things have changed tremendously over these years, and I seriously wonder whether there is such a thing called reincarnation. Cos if it does, I'm pretty sure i knew him before, he seems so familiar when I first knew him, like a part of me found another part of me. Ok, cheezy, I know but well, it's true. Anyway what i meant to say in a more "modern manner" is, we complement each other.

Though it was meant to be a highlight that we share, we didn't prepare anything for each other, it was more of an impromptu yet eventful day. We ended up having a good meal at Prego; by the way, BEST TIRAMISU ever! It changed a non-tiramisu lover to a LOVER of theirs only! HA!

Eventful? u might say. Yes, it's very to me. Our everyday life together meant something, no fancy gifts came to mind yet, but we're postponing it cos we want it to be something meaningful, like when we look at it, he'll go,
"awwww, that's the ......... that she got for our 5th year together", and i'll go,
"awwww, that's the ..... that he got for our 5th year together. "
anyway, we had lunch cos we had a Fendi private event going on that evening so he, was obviously, the significant other whom I've brought along.

oh oh, will update abt P. Tricia's birthday bash, didn't whip my camera out cos of its lack of grace. haha, anyway will update once one of the princesses update! =))
on a totally different topic:

Here comes the review for "We Will Rock You"

Nosiest one I've ever been to but then again this is the only rock musical I've attended. It was freaking cool!
Now I truely appreciate shredding. OMG, upclose and personal shredder. DARN COOL!
Oh by the way, if you have no idea what's shredding is, it's the fast playing guitar, the super sonic movement of playing the notes on the guitar.
Proud to say, i use to be able to, ha, long story, but yeah, i used to. COOL EH!?
ok nvm, i'm bhb for a moment, anyway if anyone is thinking of catching it, GO ON, WHAT R YOU WAITING FOR?!??!

ha, baby took it, he wanted to show there's another...... side of me?
We Will Rock You!
Musicals, I love.
Gonna catch
"We will rock you" this evening! Yippie! Gonna equip ourselves with the songs and learn the lyrics so we can sing along!
Anyway check out the website if u wish, will update about my views on it after, at the mean time, cheerios!
Yes, Like EVERRRRRRRRR, argggggggg
I just had the worst lecture ever, like EVER.
It was statistic today and SHE, SHE was so darn boring, and 7 hours of it? I can barely sit through 2! Though she's a British, she has this MONOTONOUS voice, o.m.g. To think I thought British were cool, with their accent, sounding utterly great and all but, I couldn't tolerate hers! She's so soft I can barely hear her, with her mummers in between, it was impossible!
And! And! her fonts for slides were hideously tiny! But with the few seconds of staring at it, trying to make out the words, I never thought the time counted cos she simply offs the projector! So it was uncommon to have me writing down something halfway and I was left hanging.
Straining to hear her was........gosh, i couldn't last. I had a terribly headache, not to mention, there wasn't much ventilation in the LT, this HUGE guy, (like seriously huge that u can practically feel the impact for the whole row of seats ached when he sits) seated beside me made me feel claustrophobic. I could barely breathe properly, I felt like as if asthma might have befallen upon me.
I somehow wished my local lecturer was there to teach, it was so much better, a million gazillion times better.