Omg! There's so much to update and so little time!
Because I'd been to Krabi and another country side, there always didn't seem enough time to update. More over it was sweetheart's notebook that I needed but he seems to be busy finding for Wii online.
So now since I'm back from the Kingdom and am not gonna have sweetheart here with me for the next 6 days, I'm gonna have plenty of time to blog, I mean that's if there isn't loads of homework cos tomorrow's gonna be my 1st day of school!
So excited to see all my friends, Ain, Mag, Tricia and all the Kcians that I've yet to meet in school!
So excited!
ok for now, I'm gonna pack my sch bag for tomorrow and choose what to wear! lol It's back to the same old routine when I was in RP.
Updates gonna be soon!!!!
The Yummiest Food!!!
On Saturday,
- Brook,
- Beau,
- Pinrath (Brook's yet another childhood friend) and
- myself
headed down to Ng Ah Sio Bak Kut Teh at Rangoon Road.
It's pork ribs there never fails to meet my expectation of another day's of yummy level. The "you tiao", green vegetables, peanuts and of cos the pork itself is as delicious as always. I never seem to get bored of eating it!!!
So yup!
Good food + Good company = Happiness!!!
After which we headed back to Brook's house to play games and all, and we did play a few different kinds of card games which made Pinrath lose about $30+ when he only did have $10+ left in his pocket. LOL
It's hilarious because the last time they played cards back in Thailand, Pinrath lost too and he was so broke that he asked if he could owe them because he needed the money for his petrol back. I mean, it's alot like deja vu.
Right! After playing for the whole afternoon, we decided to head back to Seafood center for the chilli crab once more! =))
So yup! No signboard AGAIN!
LOL it's been like 3 consecutive weeks that we ate there. But then again, IT IS the best place for chilli crab. So YUP!
The symptoms of being overloaded with food was once again felt.
Too bad no pics were taken again but if you guys wanna see the ones I took way back on June, there's the pic.
chilli crab
Oh! One more tips to guys who are wondering where to bring their date for dinner, JUST NOT SEAFOOD, especially crabs or lobster!
I mean, the girl would not be able to be on her most feminine, and of cos both of you will be more interested to dig out the crab instead of having a good conversation. - an advise from Pinrath.
And yesh! I do agree on what Pinrath had to say, but for me and brook?
We just simply love crabs plus, being 4 years+ together, we've pretty much have the awkwardness thrown out of the window.
So the very next day, which is on Sunday, we had steamboat at Parkway!

Haha yes, it's more of a food tour again for my weekends.
Cheers everyone! =))
Independence Day

Opps, he meant "Happy Independence Day".
Book is offically 2 decades and 2 years old! We're finally the same age!!! =))
While some was not looking forward to the 1st of July because of the increase in GST, but others were because the Government was to give the "rebates" to Singapore citizens, Brook was looking forward to it as well because It's His Birthday!
Well, it's a pity I didn't take many pictures because my bag was simply too small to have the camera in it.
So! On Saturday itself, I brought sweetheart to Club Chinois at Orchard Parade Hotel to have a delightful meal! I mean it's can't be any worst because it's under Tung Lok and yup! No surprises there even though it's our first time visiting.
It's really worth the money, especially when there's oysters, big prawns, loads of desserts, lobster, peking duck, chocolate fountain and many many more!

Although I love to have taken the pictures of everything we ate but i got quite conscious because there's 2 waitresses that were "looking after" our table. They were so attentive to us that when sweetheart accidentally dropped the prawn that he was shelling onto his lap, one of the waitresses immediately showed up with napkins for him to clean up. I mean,talk about good service!
Oh and because I've requested to have a birthday cake and asked if anyone will be singing the birthday song when it's going to be served, the person in charge told me that they do not sing, but DID in the end. (again! Another reason to be tipped!) =))
And on Sunday itself, I caught the movie Transformers because Brook have always wanted to watch it even before it was showing in the movies. I would say it did exceed my expectation because I'm not one who is really into this kinda movie which I therefore, would pass this as an exception.
Oh and so after the movie, Brook, Beau, Best (his bro, btw) and myself went on to Paragon to have a little stroll while waiting for dinner with his rest of the family and family's friends.
We went to the Soup Restaurant! I would have loved to take all the pics, but like i said, =( my bag was too small, plus it would have been weird to take pics of the food in front of everyone! I would however, rate the food there 6.5/10. I guess some dishes are just nicer than the others that they have.
ANYWAY! The magical moment was actually more of how Beau, Belle and myself managed to "go toliet" but in actual fact, escaped to get Brook's birthday cake! (with Belle actually going to the toliet and then back so it wouldn't seem too obvious. Hehehehe)
Cos poor Brook haven't had his little celebration the whole day. Yup! And we had for him a strawberry cheese cake (which is really delicious btw) from Bakers ' Inn!
So blur sweetheart have not noticed that I had been trying to get his attention on me so as to lure him not looking at the huge paper bag we brought back from toliet. And we managed to keep it a surprise till we got back to his home! =))
And soon after everyone got back home, (cos we had to take 2 cabs, cos his family is hugeeee) we sang the ever so genius Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill famous song Happy Birthday! =))