Stylist Adventure with a twist
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A week from now
7 more days and i'll reminisce, i promise i will.i see now how difficult it has been and i'm sorry for what i've done, i hope i can make amends but i dare not do anything in fear that i'll worsen it, or worst... ...
i'll remember what u've said to me and i'll see u at the top. :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
so deliberate i was, i don't know frequently it has been, it's like a living regret. "maybe i should have" in the night, "no it's long gone" during the break of day.
i look at where i stand, and i'm broken, but on the surface, i see... ... almost perfection. maybe it's meant to be.
no i can't make a decision, not this time.
i only know one thing. if only i could relive it over again. i'll enjoy every second of it.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
the big dot
haha! i forced him to take this pic when he had the biggest pimple ever in his life! right in the middle :PThursday, April 30, 2009
stunned and then pondered
it was a roller coaster of emotions today, after what I'd realised, in the confined place of the air-conditioned room, there were all 3 of us.was stunned when i noticed the height, and even more so when i noticed the other being was there too. if the someone was to walk into the picture, i'm sure the experience would have been be a whirlwind too.
i can't help but to wonder.... ... ... ...
i'm sorry.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
24 years have past
i was 14 and looking out of the window one day, thinking, how it would be so wonderful being in the twenties, no one to bother me am able to be full of ideas on how to spend the weekends.little did i know, age comes with responsibilities. so much have came and went in my life, so many things i could have learnt or have learned from it. right now, i've come to realise the treasures i've found in life, friendship and family.
they are who i am today. friends stood by me through my poor judgments, probably because they understood my journey. family lectured me, in a harsh manner that i can never understand. as much as i knew they wanted the best for me, the idea of it was too far fetched at that moment. either way, they saw me through tough, difficult times and i can never thank them enough.
times when i feel poor, i don't linger on the thought for long as i remind myself the treasures i've found is far more valuable than any amount of money, what's more, they are for keeps, not for a day, but for a lifetime.
one of my cloest friend saw me through my milestones in life, and now i'm seeing her through one herself.

love you dannica. =)