
well in other words, more pics on this bloggy! hehe cos i've just got a new cammie! yippie! haha. the blog was so crappy i rarely visit it myself, not that i mean i do that all the time, but you know.
arg, nvm, you'll never know. haha shit, now i'm juz talking to myself.
anyway, we tried it out when i was baking, so yup, it was taken in the kitchen, not that it's the only corner in the house i go, but it just so happened to be then that we took the pic. ;)

anyway i made blueberry muffin this time round, =) so glad everyone who tried it said it's nice. =) nothing warms my heart more than to feel that my effort hasn't gone to waste.
oh on a side note, people who tried my muffin were brook's friends who were invited to his house for poker night. arg, lost $30. looks like i can't bluff for nuts, or simply, i don't know all the rules to the game yet.

so the very next day, we went to celebrate for my dad daddys' day at Din Tai Fung. didn't take pics though but nevermind, there's always a next time.

oh, visited ice cream chef again, arg, ok, i should get back to the habit of taking the pics all over again, now i just eat and totally forget about taking a shot first, anyhow, i'm looking forward to blogging more often now. =)
till then world.

p.s: OMG. torres is DARN cute! oh sweetheart thinks so too ;) i think he's very much into him as i do, maybe even more so cos he's a liverpool player and he's DARN gd at soccer.

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