Friendly Colleagues
Like I've promised! I managed to get my closest colleagues to take pictures with me and wahhahaha no shame Qing qing was the one who suggested it and I'm pretty such she wanted her pic here. Bet she's checking out my blog every now and then to see whether it's up! =p Right Qing Qing, Mak Mun Cheng. WahahhaaAnyway, after the prolonged wait, here are the pics of my colleagues!!!
Smileys from everyone!!!
Well, let me introduce, this is our dearest Peifang!
Going on, this is Mama! Our office mama!!!
and last but not least,
Nani! Who by the way was way to concentrating on doing her make-up just because I wanted to take pic with her, so wahhaha, let me show her unglam side first before her glam pics is up!
And yes, this is the glamourous Nani who used to be an SIA air stewardess and is now promoted to fly our office plane!
Well, there's 3 more people whose pictures are yet to be taken. But because the other 2 are my supervisor, my shaking legs are yet to stop when I approach them. The last colleague is another super sweet lady whom I'm not very close with yet but hopefully, after a department lunch together, or maybe dinner before I'm done with the job, I might get a whole happy department photo!
Well, that's all folks!
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