My 1st Mac
It's been a day or 2 that I've blogged because I've been trying to figure out how to utilize the Mac to its fullest since I've been so used to Microsoft. I mean there's no "Paint" for a start, which I mainly use for editing of photos so there's iPhoto to take over its place but I can't seem to understand how the program works still. -_- so yup, I've been taking "lessons" online for Mac.For the ctrl+v, ctrl+c, and all the other short cuts that Microsoft have, well, Apple does have them too, just that it's different.
Either way, it's been fun learning new things and exploring them. It's a whole new system which I truly admire it. Mainly because it's not as complex as Microsoft. I mean it is really easy if you get the hang of it.
Well, here's my 1st Mac. =))

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