The days that have gone by so quickly... ...
WednesdayI can't quite remember what I did actually but all I knew was during dinner time because I can still "smell" it, it was no doubt one of the better hokkien noodle in town!
The none other than the Kim Kee Hokkien Noodle! I ate the same hokkien noodle ever since I was little and the BOSS is also known for his fashion. Haha! yes! Fashion! Because he wears a long sleeve shirt with a GOLD rolex to fry the noodles. -_-" Which kinda not make much sense to me, but who cares! His noodles are fantastic! =))
Oh yah! One more thing! The plate u see below that we ordered, it is just $8! And their chilli? *drools* well enough said. =P
I headed off early, which reminds me how difficult to get up in the morning again, for SIM. But I mean, my parents fetched me there, so haha, it's not all that bad for a start, unlike work. =P Oh and with Kenneth. =)) Cos he's going SIM too and haha 3 years of seeing him almost everyday, who could have thought of it! My friend ever since Sec school time!
Anyway, on the way there, he took out a gift which he bought for me from Taiwan on his last army trip there! =)) And it's a lovely keychain!
So off we went for the enrollment talk that SIM had for us, newbies, and I must say I was quite surprise to see so little people, but I suppose it's cos there's other degrees that SIM students take. And yup! I saw a few familiar faces that were from RP n one was from my previous class too!
Well, at least I know I wouldn't know NO ONE. Haha plus the fact that I will have Kenneth to go to school with. =P Well, at least till I know how to get there myself. Haha
OH YAH! I forgot to mention! The talk? It was SUPER boring -_-" I can't believe the lecturers are going to talk for 3 hours non stop on normal lectures! Cos with only 2 hours for this enrollment talk, I'm more than half way to lala-land. -_- I MUST think of a way to wake myself up if not I'm SO not going to survive in SIM. =((
and so, the sad news was that our Princesses meeting was postponed to Friday but well, the afternoon was pretty much filled with food and loads of lazing around. haha
And the food you may ask was, SUSHI TEH!
Cos I have yet to try sushi teh and sweetheart and I are just simply Ichiban's loyal customers. We had never try sushi teh before and soooo, I sugguested SUSHI TEH for lunch to Kenneth and he immediately agreed! *it was kinda suppose to be our next in line kinda place to eat together".
And yup, haha gossips were shares, experiences told, well, it was quite an enjoyable lunchie but I have to say I think ichiban's sushi somewhat nicer, at least to me! =P Haha but for the sashimi? Sushi Teh wins hands down. =))
And so came the Princesses outing day but I had met up with Princess Linda earlier to grab Jane's pressie!
And so this is the pressie we got her!
And knowing that we had to write a little wishing for Princess Jane on her b'dae card, I brought my whole set of colored pens! I mean, HEY! it's not because I'm crazy or anything ya know, cos the last time I wrote a wishing for Princess Tricia's birthday, with the departmental's pen, acting as if I'm trying it out, I was -_- ended up told to buy it. A total huge embarrassment for me and so I've put my foot down this time that I'm not going to let that happened again. Haha and yes the whole set of colored pens went with me to Orchard!
And with that, Princess Linda and Tricia used it too! But because Princess Tricia came later, she was told to write on the card that Linda n I had already written, we pretty much stressed her by staring at every single alphabets she was writing out!
And not long after, Princess Linda found out that there was a mistake she'd written and so it was her turn to be STRESSED !
And because Princess Jane was gonna be late meeting us we ended up taking pics cos, well, there was nothing much to do at that point of time!
So, with no meals that we bought from Mac but simply sitting there not caring much about the world, we were finally bored and went on to Far East to accompany Princess Tricia to get something for her sister.
Within an hours' time, Princess Jane finally arrived and we went on to have Ramen at Far East itself, which I would rate it being quite good. But the service, I mean their greetings are WAY TO LOUD. It almost scared us off the first time!
After dinner. it was the usual photo takings but this time with MORE ... ...
and so Princess Jane and I took revenge by taking even more of them! *evil laughter!*
and Princess Linda bought us a souvenir from Japan and so we did, having out gossips shared, stories told and all the funny, sad incidents we all had encounter between the time we last met up to today!
and so the Princesses time was spent like that and then I went on to meet sweetheart who was in School for some cca stuffs that he joined. -_- Poor thing, his time is being stretched even on a Friday! =((
At home much later, I was on msn with Qing Qing whom I was catching up with, she is one such person who can make me laugh literally online and it's never boring juz talking to her. =))
Missing everyone at work already, PF, Mama, Nani and Qing Qing. Sigh, yet another postpone date for the Popeye outing.
Oh well nvm, by then I'll be sure to take loads of pics =))
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