Catching up is so much fun!
It's amazing how some times friends don't catch up often yet everything about them is so familiar when u finally meet up again.So this is what happened when i met up with Liz today for lunchie at New York New York! =))
Yup! Catching up is so much fun especially when everything comes light and easy. It's been 3 years ago when we first met in RP. Because we met on the way to school, talked a little and found out we were from the same secondary school, that pretty much kicked start our friendship and off we went, marching into the wrong class on the first day of RP.
With a year together of slacking and more slacking, it got us pretty close and I even joined the same CCA as her! LOL which I opted out later because I was so lazy to get home later and later each week from the training. Nonetheless, it is always fun being with lizzie. =))
And now, Liz is gonna go Aussie for a year of study! Boo hoo! But i'm sure time will simply fly past plus, and with modern technology? -_- it's no sweat~
Either way, knowing that Liz is a very adventurous gal, she's all for whatever that comes her way.
So! Because it is Liz's first attempt in New York New York, I told her which to avoid ordering and introduced her the goodies that I've tried before. =))
Hers: Pork Lasagna
Mine: Beef***** (I forgot, but it's under the sandwiches column!)
It's cos she was shocked by the flash of the camera! lol.
And yup, thats why a 2nd shot was taken, the pretty pretty liz on the bottom right hand corner.
And after all the sharing and laughing etc. we finally placed our order for the Mudpie With Ice Cream! =)``
The cream of the crop if u ask me! =))
Take care babe!
And YEAH! =))
Sweetheart's dad got for me a bag from HK and so, that's added to my bags collection! =))
Thank you uncle!!!
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