Quality Time
There's nothing like quality time together now. Havin so much projects to finish up and datelines to meet, baby has been busy all day, all week, and I've been catching up on studying for the coming examsIt's now always quality time that we share and i've suggested for us to catch the Greek/ Roman exhibition that has been going on forever.
it's queer how people use to think in the past, i suppose humans only evolve to be more intelligent, like allowing women to more of equal. arg, i don't think i can live in the ancient times, I'll feel, agitated and prolly be one of those women who gets shun from doing something nasty like, exposing one strand of her hair.
Anyway, below are the pictures we took. It's been a while since we've got our art side goin on, it's refreshing to get started all over again. =)

sweetie u've got it all wrong, u've got to be in pink, fuchia pink ;)
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