fun-filled study week
it's been crazy having exams after exams, if there's a meter to check out my stress level, it would have been very noticeable, low during lunch hour, high when books are in sight.Sweetpea has been very thoughtful, cooking for me Japanese curry while i did the dessert, green tea ice cream. He's been tutoring me as well, which comes in handy when i meant by "he's my everything".

It's so long ago that I've asked his help and it's oblivion that he's grown to be more patient, the thought of him being a lecturer came to mind! wonder where he picked that skill up but it's something about him that i grew to adore. =)
it's been a very "us" week if i must add, watched "Away from her"
it's so touching, i swear if u're angry with your other half, after coming out from the theater, you'll get all teary and simply shrug the matter away.
chilaxed by going spa, on thursday. It was amazing, i slept half way through the massage and the lady ended up waking me up to ask me to turn to my other side.
facial, was no different, slept too. -_- i wonder whether I've been deprived of sleep cos i don't think i actually am! after which, i met up with sweetheart to have tea! =)) this time we had it at raffles hotel, and the scone is pizazzly wonderful!!!

timber on wed night was superb, though it was way crowded, it was well worth the wait for the band playing that night.
Acid bar on Saturday, they had a change in vocalist, though the previous lady was good, i thought this newbie was on par, she could really go deep and musky in tone, pretty amazing for a lady.
so yes, there u have it, a week, filled with fun, study, and more fun. =)
shann been a partner in crime, for studying that is! more to come for the week! AHHHHH!!!
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