Our usual
It's not all movies and lunch and butterflies in the stomach anymore. It's the sharing, compromising, understanding, consistency and most of all, adoring of each other.Not talking much at all and just enjoying the presence of each other is enough said at times. Monday was one such day. Although it was raining cats and dogs, we each armed ourselves with a book we enjoyed and gallivanted around town. When the weather clouded and thundered on, we socialized with our respective books. Enjoyable, it was. =)
Cold jokes were thrown at each other, conflicting perspective exchanged on trivial stuffs, little endearment actions, things like that makes our day. These are the times when im reminded again why i adore him.

thai cruisine at shaw towers and then ice cream as dessert! =) it's homemade!

Killiney's coffee after our stroll in the air conditioned places and while it was raining cats and dogs.

Morton's chilling session after that.

Curry chicken at home! nothing beats home cooked meals then again, we crave for a little something more. hmmm...

which explains why we headed down to the homey place, visiting toliets, bathrooms (no i wasn't stark naked if you're wondering and brook doesn't do his business in his pants; juz to spell it out, WE'RE ACTING),

bedrooms, living rooms,

cos they have Swedish meals, MEATBALLS! =)) where else but IKEA? yumz!

a full blown terrific date with my other half. =)
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