girls night out
it's always a fantastic feeling i get when meeting up with "Beams"That's what we call ourselves.
B - Benghui
E - Esther
A - Amanda
M - Mel
S - Siew Ping
Yes there used to be 5 of us meeting all the time but we only had 3 present the last we've met up. oh and we even had a channel called "Beams" in MIRC last time! how cool was that! everyone obviously had an authority to give access too. lol
oh and Ping couldn't make it cos she's a busy busy lady who regulates Singapore. ;)
So proud of her, i am, seeing that she is doing that she has always been good at and no, i don't feel upset when she can't meet up with us cos she's got to do what she's got to do.
as for benghui, she's overseas and she's apparently back in sunny island today! too bad i cant meet up with esther and man to fetch her from the airport cos of my commitment in school but i'm pretty sure we'll meet up real soon for x'mas celebration, or probably just a meet up to see how's everyone getting along in life.
so i'll leave you readers out there with pics we took and i shall keep the memories of our sharing to myself. =)
presenting amanda!

yup, drama mama and did i mention? she was our prefect in school as well. someone who's out there to tell us the rights from wrongs and always keeping us up with the latest gossips.
nothing beats great food and friends.
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