Grocery shop and what nots
It's a very dessert period for me now, craving for sweet stuffs such as chocolates, cookies, cakes, toffees. So much so i wake up in e morning, munching on toffee when I've yet to brush my teeth.Yup, now I'm craving for anything sweet.
Which reminds me that i might have diabetes, hypertension and whatever chronic illness that might befall on me when i'm much older. But crap, i suppose i live for the moment, eat whatever i want and worry later. Or probably exercise too. hmmm another option to divert the illnesses away. well, that's something to think about.
anyway the weekends was pretty much the same. this time i went for the unifem garage sale again but it was all the left overs that were not sold the previous time at velvet underground. basically, it was a fail attempt on brook's side, wanting to grab anything else nice that they had.
it left us pretty bumped afterwards cos we didn't know what to do the whole time in town since we went there at 10+am. Talk about being Singaporean, oh and f.y.i., it was brook's idea, going there early, this is. lol

this was taken at Marmalade Pantry, the date dessert is SUPERB! arg. yup that was our breakfast-dessert. oh and the flower? it's my fav. =)) though i have yet to learn what is it's name.

anyway, we ended up staying in town till 9+pm which was pretty amazing considering we didn't catch any movies.

so the next day was more of a relaxed sunday for us. grogery shopped at siglap for beau's shopping list so she'll bake =)) and yup, we eat. lol

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