tea after a long day
not much to update recently cos nothing much really happened in my life. but either way, i uploaded some pics i took while i was in Royal Copenhagen again.A definitely deserved pampering time cos i had 2 lessons on that day! Totally shagged.

Yup and the above that we've ordered is something recommended by the cafe themselves, so no surprises there, it was superb! in fact, the pastry melt in our mouths!

oh and this? -_- i accidentally parked at the wheelchair packing lot. in my defense! I was almost late for school plus another car who parked there blocked the icon on the ground. so yup, when i was going back from school, i saw an A4 size paper, my heart sank immediately thinking that I've gotten a fine. which luckily i didn't! =))
i was totally embarrassed when the lady who placed the "warning" paper there cos i didn't know what to say! i mean i certainly didn't do it on purpose but at the same time, which idiot could have not looked out for the humongous icon. well apparantly i did, which makes me a silly silly person huh? -_-
anyway, LIVERPOOL won yesterday! :)) yippie!
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