Laziness has gotten over me
OMG! There's so much that happened yet I've yet to mention it! Well first of all, I met up with Amanda and Esther right after I got back from thailand, and then there's P'Ja and Plot who are Brook's cousins. They came here for a few days for holiday and yup! No surprises there, we brought them for food tour, downtown, china town to get the famous Lim Chee Guan and also Little India. Which they didn't think there was any thing interesting. lol Oh well, either way they were here during National day too! =)) And yup! I sure did wear red and white. =P You know to show my patriotic-ness.So anyway, back to the pics I've to upload. So first of! The Persians cat that roams around Phi Phi Island! I swear cuteness is its name!

And yes! the ruins that remain in Phi Phi Island after tsunami.

See the distance between "town" in Phi Phi Island and the beach? =))

Haha and yes, we too got "friendship band" cos it's the fashion there! Everyone was walking around with it and it seem so cool! So I decided to get it before heading back to Krabi. See the hand with 3 of it on? It's my hand! The other hand is P'Jub! =) Another cousin of Brook's and yup! U sure can tell the difference of many and a few just by that pic!

And then back we went to Krabi, but only after 1.5 hours in the ferry, freezing our butt off.

So when we went back to Krabi, we headed to find a good hotel, that is, without noise in the night, good lighting, good bathroom, air-conditioned and every other luxury they can throw in.
So we had it! Ban Ao Nang Resort !

The spacious room with tv, fridge, they even provide slipper as well as room slipper, good toliet etc. I tell you! I could have easily cried with happiness. After the 2 nights in Phi Phi Island room, I never would have thought I'd survived. Not that it's that bad, but I suppose Singaporeans like me, never had to sleep in that kinda condition. =( Maybe it's a good thing I went to experience it then, so I can be thankful for all the simply things that are taken advantage of.

And so after we checked in, we went to have our fill with Italian food.

Below is Brook and his cousin P'Ja. Smiling away because we have good food and accommodation for the night!

After food, we had our regular sit and drink session. And this time it's at a bar with a great atmosphere. If you can see it clearly, we were siting inside a little hut.

The next early morning, we headed out for the tour we've gotten ourselves. Going around the nearby islands again, and one of them is call "Chicken Island" , it's pretty obvious why they call it that. It can b seen at the pic below, the top left corner and the center pic.
The pic next to the one with me and the Chicken Island is roti prata! But they eat it with condense milk and sugar, ate as a dessert instead of a main meal like us. It's, SUPER YUMMY. In my opinion, the crispier it is, the nicer it is to me! I swear I can eat the whole piece by myself!

So there, the end of Krabi trip. The next time round of pics will be sweetheart's country side house.
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